Design & Develop
Distributed Backends

For us, backend development is not just about making your server, database and application talk to each other. We help you pick the right tech stack and build a robust architecture that is stable, secure and easy to scale.

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Software Architecture

We have built 90+ products in a diverse range of technologies and industries including FinTech, IoT, Networking, Databases, ML/AI, SaaS and consumer-based web applications. Our teams have the experience to help you make pragmatic decisions in selecting the right technology stack keeping the business goals in mind.

Scalable Microservice Architecture

Leverage Microservices to architect an easily scalable backend from Day 1 .

Cloud Native Approach

Integrate Cloud Native infrastructure and microservice architectures to ensure high performance and effieciency at scale.

Security & Compliance Practices

Implement security practices including strong authentication and authorisation frameworks, encryption for sensitive data, API Gateways for micro-services among other things.

3rd Party SaaS Integrations

Integrate with User Analytics, Billing, CRM, Marketing Automation and other 3rd Party SaaS applications.

Real Time Communication

Support for Push notifications and other real time communications using Web Sockets-based systems like Pusher, Firebase etc.

Test Driven Development

Leverage Test Driven Development practices to develop bug-free applications.

Languages & Frameworks

Our engineers have experience across various languages & frameworks. With micro-services based architecture, our engineers build applications multiple languages based on their strengths and use-cases.

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SQL Databases

Coterie has extensive experience with traditional databases like PostgreSQL & MySQL(MariaDB) as well as modern databases like Azure Cosmos, AWS Aurora and CockroachDB.

NoSQL Databases

NoSQL Databases enable schema-less document storage with ability for fast queries and horizontal scaling required for a certain types of applications. Velotio has deep expertise across major NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, Cassandra etc.


Caching & Messaging Queues

Modern Applications required additional capabilities like Caching to improve response rates as well as Messaging and Queuing systems for pub/sub, push notifications among other things. Velotio has extensive experience in building additional tiers within an application using latest caching and messaging services.


Building any modern SaaS Application requires integration with several 3rd party applications for User analytics, A/B Testing, Emails, Billing & Payments. Velotio has worked with integrating leading SaaS applications like Mixpanel, Heap, Stripe, Segment among others.


Cloud Native & Microservices Architecture

Micro-services based applications required additional services like API Gateways, discovery, load balancing, rate limiting, security and circuit-breakers. Consul, Istio, Envoy etc. help ensure effective communication across Micro-services. Kubernetes and Docker help with easy deployment and orchestration of Microservices. Velotio has experience with all these tools for effective deployment, orchestration and communication of micro-services.


We provide serverless consulting and application development services. We have leveraged AWS Lambda, Google Cloud & Azure Functions for interesting use-cases of our clients.



What our Clients say

The Coterie team was easy to work & communicate with. They brought fresh ideas to the project. Would definitely work with them again.

Jannatul Ekra

Coterie team worked hard to salvage and improve any work already done. During the sixteen months of working with their team, they were quick to respond to emails, provided daily status reports. - Ed Coterie did a fantastic job at delivering a complex application for our business. The team was very helpful and accommodating, responding quickly to any issues as they arose. They made every effort to meet all deliverables.

Fletch Skinner

I enlisted the Coterie team on work that is targeted at a niche with very particular needs. The team was very responsive. Even when my requirements were a bit vague, they presented some good alternative for me to choose from. They helped me with bringing the vision for the app into focus, and provided great ideas on how best to achieve it.

Vinay Gupta

Thanks to Coterie, our ideas have now been converted into a proper website and app. It was a seamless experience working with them and our customers too are loving the website and app. We would highly recommend working with them, they add great value to the project!


The Coterie team was easy to work & communicate with. They brought fresh ideas to the project. Would definitely work with them again.